A full-fledged member
of the company.
Not quite a rally vehicle, but on the ground in Dakar
In western Senegal, just shy of sixty kilometers from the westernmost point of Africa—the city of Dakar, made world-famous by its rally—and before the gates of the neighboring city of Thiès, we encounter several cement plants. Lime, the raw material required for cement production, is available there in large quantities. One of these plants belongs to Dangote Cement—the largest cement manufacturer in the sub-Saharan zone. They recently put in operation a Rosenbauer MT to support the plant’s fire department in controlling the factory premises and its workers and employees.
State-of-the-art fire protection technology
Many flammable materials are stored in cement plants. That’s why a high-performance fire truck is an absolute must in such an environment. The Rosenbauer MT, which significantly bolsters the existing fleet of two older vehicles, imbues the term “performance” with new life. Its tank holds 5,000 liters (1,320 gallons) of water that can be distributed via four normal pressure outlets and one high pressure outlet, thanks to the NH35 combined normal- and high-pressure pump. Add to that a 500-liter foaming agent tank, which provides extinguishing foam with the help of the FIXMIX proportioning system. On the roof, we have an RM24 manual turret with a throw range of sixty-five meters. The roof also features an eight-meter ladder. Inside the vehicle there’s also plenty of room for the crew—featuring an original MAN double cab with a 1+5 layout—and of course a wide array of tools and equipment for fire-fighting operations. Therefore, this eighteen-ton apparatus on two drive axles perfectly prepares Dangote Cement for a swift response.
Personalized Protective Gear also by Rosenbauer
But the order from Senegal wasn’t complete with just the apparatus. Also included in the delivery was the entire personal protective equipment (PPE) by Rosenbauer including self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs). This ensures that everyone in the crew is well-protected.
Optimal protection also means safe handling of the equipment. Maximilien Sagna’s enthusiasm about the MT is evident as he states that “everything is easy to operate and optimally gauged to the person working with the gear.” The sixty-year-old man is the commanding officer of the plant fire department and approved the equipment himself in Austria.
After delivery, the entire fire department were given initial training on site—after all, maximum safety comes with practice. Other concepts were discussed during the training sessions to provide even better protection in the plant’s danger areas.
Ten firefighters to protect plant and mine
The plant near Thiès, which went into operation in 2016, produces cement around the clock. That’s why eight firefighters work in shifts to ensure utmost safety. The team also includes a commanding officer and a safety officer. But Maximilien’s and his team’s responsibilities don’t end at the factory gates. “There’s a limestone mine three kilometers away that the plant gets its feedstock from daily. We must ensure safety at the mine as well. Now that we have the new Rosenbauer apparatus, we will set up an outpost with a specially assigned vehicle near the mine.”
Operations in the vicinity of the cement plant are indeed not uncommon. The site is still being expanded, and many people are working with various machines in a confined space. On top of everything, the atmosphere is dry. Firefighters are therefore often called upon to get people out of danger areas.
The biggest challenges
When asked about the biggest challenges of his fire department, the seasoned officer Maximilien states very bluntly and somewhat surprisingly that “it’s the training. We must be ready for action around the clock, and therefore we must be well-trained and attune to the different fire risks, for instance the electronic equipment on our site, which is also very expensive.” His colleague, whose sole responsibility is safety, relies on simulations and emergency training sessions for the new vehicle. “I notice how safety increases and how committed my people are. The new vehicle gives them confidence and safety. And it motivates them! They know they can count on the vehicle and its equipment.”
Currently, Senegal is experiencing large-scale modernization efforts in terms of fire-fighting equipment, the commanding officer of the plant fire department states. At the same time, he says, the fire-fighting profession is not yet widespread enough. That’s why, in his opinion, a vehicle like the MT, with its modern gear and quality, constitutes a major boost. “With its equipment, the Rosenbauer MT is not just an emergency vehicle but has become an indispensable tool and a full-fledged member of our department in a very short period of time. We can rely on it as if it were a colleague!”

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